The life and times of three magnificent cats...

Location: Florida, United States

I have been living in Florida for a year and still getting use to it. I have been told by native Floridian's you are not a transplant until you have lived in Florida for five years. I have a way to go...

Sunday, April 08, 2007

Happy Easter

Happy Easter! Happy Spring! Into the leg of the second sock and have to tear out a few rows, miscounted the rows between the cables. Will update further tomorrow. So much to do today and not enough time.

Sunday, April 01, 2007

YEAH!! One sock!!

After multiple times frogging it is finally finished, the first sock from STR club. The pattern is fairly easy once I got the needle size corret so it would fit over my instep. I ended up using size 3 dpn's as you can see the striping ended up in a varigation of colors. I do like it. I wore it around the house last night and it was comfortable. The foot was knit on oo but the next one I have gone up to size 1 dpn so the striping is not as evident. We shall see the difference, then I can write on the pattern the needles I used. That way I can make them again without all the fuss.

I tried to take the picture with a natural light but ended up with some shadowing.

I have not gotten very far on the second sock as I had to renew my nursing license. It is necessary to have 20 continueing education units to renew and I realized I was a tad bit short. So I spent all afternoon reading and taking on line tests so I could get the CEU's. Well they are completed and will probably have more than necessary but that is OK. I will have to be more diligent throughout the year to get CEU's. However I am a long time procrastinator.

Here is a close up of the cables:

Once I started using the 3 dpn's the cables went fast and were easy. When I get the second sock finished I will take pictures of one inside out and the other right side out. Not that there is a right or worng side to this pattern which is the fun part of it.

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